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Dental Implant and Full Arch Implants Clinic

An Innovative Way to Transform Your Smile

All on 4 Implants

Lost or damaged teeth can have a huge impact on your oral health, general health and overall well-being; they can leave you unable to eat properly and unwilling to show off your smile, all of which can seriously knock your self-confidence. If that sounds like you, there’s no need to suffer. Full-mouth dental implants, also known as All on 4, are much more versatile than conventional implant techniques, enabling a full arch of teeth to be supported on just four or six implants. The technique delivers many of the same benefits as conventional implants. However, it’s also quicker, less invasive and suitable for more patients. With full mouth implants, you can transform your smile and regain your confidence faster than ever.

Dental implants Tasmania Innova dental

How Does All on 4 Implants Work?

The full arch implant procedure is an innovative dental implant technique that has transformed the field of implant dentistry. The basic concept is similar to that of conventional dental implants; the root of the missing tooth is replaced with a titanium screw that is surgically placed in the jawbone.

Over time, the bone fuses with the implant to create a solid foundation on which a crown can be placed. However, the innovation comes from the unique angle of the implants, enabling them to avoid bone-deficient areas and gain maximum strength. This makes the All on 4 dental implant treatment suitable for more people and avoids the need for preliminary procedures.

The full mouth implant technique is revolutionary for those needing to replace a whole arch of teeth. With traditional methods, eight or more implants would be required. However, with the All on 4 implant technique, a whole arch can be supported with just four dental implants, which makes the procedure far less invasive and speeds up the healing process.

The Three Stages of Full Arch Implants Treatment

While each patient and course of treatment is unique, there are generally four key stages to having full mouth dental implants:


1. Initial Consultation

An initial consultation and thorough assessment is vital before proceeding with any treatment. During the consultation process, our experienced full arch implant dentist will review your oral and general health and take into account any medical conditions that may impact treatment. We’ll also take 3D X-rays using our advanced imaging technology to gain a complete picture of your mouth and jawbone. These images will form the basis of the template for your new teeth. This is also your opportunity to tell us what you’d like to receive and address any concerns you have about treatment. If treatment is suitable and you’d like to proceed, we’ll put together a detailed treatment plan based on your consultation, scans and images, so we can deliver the best possible results.

2. Implant Placement

When it comes to having your implants placed, your comfort and safety is our top priority. We’ll have discussed anaesthesia with you during your consultation and will be ready to put you at ease. First, you’ll meet our anaesthetist, who’ll ensure you’re as comfortable as possible and will be pain-free throughout the procedure. Then, our highly trained implant dentist will place your implants. It will only take a few hours and, shortly after, we’ll be able to fit your replacement teeth to your implants. Once in place, we’ll check your bite and make sure you’re smiling from ear to ear before you leave us.

3. After Care

Immediately after the procedure, you’ll need to be careful with your implants. We advise you to eat a soft, healthy diet, drink plenty of water and avoid smoking. Within a few days, you should start to feel yourself again. However, it will still take up to six months for your jawbone to fuse with the implants, so you’ll need to look after them. That said, as long as you follow our advice, practise good oral hygiene and have regular checkups with us, then that new smile won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Dental Implants Tasmania

The Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Just like traditional dental implants, All on 4 stimulates jawbone growth, preserving your jawbone, restoring your facial aesthetics and supporting your surrounding teeth. What’s more, by being a permanent solution, they are far more comfortable than dentures. However, full arch implants offers additional benefits too:

  • Innovative – With fewer implants required to support an arch of teeth, implant dentists have much more flexibility with the positioning of full arch implants and are able to design treatment to deliver the optimum fit for replacement teeth.
  • Simple – By avoiding bone-deficient areas of the jawbone, the full arch treatment often avoids the need for preliminary procedures such as bone grafting.
  • Quick – By placing implants at 45 degrees, replacement teeth can be fitted immediately instead of having to wait months for them to fuse with the jawbone. And, with fewer implants, the healing process is faster too.
  • Flexible – While many patients are unsuitable for traditional implants or face having to spend time and money on preliminary procedures, full-mouth dental implants are much more accessible and are suitable for more complex cases.

Why Choose Full Arch Dental Implants Tasmania?

Dr Bing and Dr Fay Dental Implants Tasmania

When it comes to choosing an All on 4 dentist, the expertise and experience of the dentist are fundamental to the success of your treatment. At Dental Implants Tasmania, we’re committed to implant dentistry, have advanced knowledge in the full arch treatment and use only the highest quality materials, techniques and technology. What’s more, our 3D printing technology enables us to create prosthetic teeth in-house, meaning you don’t have to wait for impressions to be sent off to a lab and can have confidence in the quality of your replacement teeth.

At Dental Implants Tasmania, we’re committed to your health and comfort before, during and after treatment. That’s why we operate from a purpose-built practice, designed to be welcoming and comfortable while enabling us to deliver advanced treatments with ease. If you come to us for dental implant treatment, you will have a treatment coordinator alongside you throughout to manage the process and ensure all your needs are met. And, as we understand that many people feel anxious about dental treatment, we also offer in-house sleep dentistry. So, not only can you have full arch implants in no time, you can be in a dream-like state during the procedure. All you have to worry about is checking out your new smile afterwards.